There are no quick fixes for declining downtowns. True success comes from using a comprehensive and incremental methodology such as the Main street approach.The four-point approach creates a well-balanced program and MSMS has a committee for each:
Involves building a framework that is well represented and funded by local residents, merchants, property owners, civic groups, bankers, Public officials and chambers of commerce.
Involves marketing an enticing image to shoppers, investors, residents and visitors through festivals, retail events,public relations and image development.
Economic Restructuring
Involves analyzing current market forces to develop long-term solutions, recruiting new businesses, creatively converting unused space for new uses and sharpening competitiveness of the merchants.
Enhances the visual appearance, attractiveness and traffic management of the business district through historic building rehabilitations, street and alley clean-ups, parking and traffic calming, colorful banners, landscaping and lighting.